Arts & Entertainment

Britney Takes Over Retro Dome Stage

Oh Brit Brit. You were a child star on the Mickey Mouse Club, turned it…

Mission City Opera Goes Bats in Upcoming Show

Next Saturday in Santa Clara will see an evening of practical jokes, mistaken identities, romance…


Politics and Power Decoded at Triton

In 2003, President George W. Bush, dressed in a flight suit, landed on the deck…

Decoding the Journey of Life

"We've been talking about the difference between elementary symbols, which are the most basic metaphors,…

DeSaisset Graced with Photodocumentary

For nearly a month visitors to the DeSaisset on Santa Clara University's campus have been…

Best of the Best on Display at the Triton

Determining the best of the best is no easy task. In many cases, art-lovers feel…

Children’s Art Takes Over Headen-Inman

On January 22, just hours before the San Francisco 49ers’ season officially came to an…

Exploring the Life Beyond

What Dreams May Come and The Matrix share one major plot point; both movies contain…

The Dream Team Presents

The Starting Arts Dream Team presented its Showcase 2012 January 26 and 27 at Santa…


Santa Clara Shows its Talent is Booming

Inside the Community Recreation Center’s auditorium, thirteen acts competed in the third annual Santa Clara’s…