Our City Council has voted to enforce a weekday curfew that limits stadium events to 10 p.m. Yet they have granted more than 20 exceptions to Great America to operate past 10 p.m. on weeknights and weekends. This double standard is argued to be ‘different strokes for different folks’...
Author: Miles H Barber, Publisher
The City Council “grudge match” against the SF 49ers has escalated to a new low. Following the disappointing results of an expensive...
Like a firecracker with a bad fuse, the much-touted Stadium Audit has turned out to be a serious dud! As you recall,...
Coming soon to a City Council meeting near you. A $100 million dollar decision for or against Santa Clara revenue. Here is...
Santa Clara’s Charter Review Committee has been assigned the task of creating districts for future City elections. They were assigned this task...
Transparency is a terrific word used by politicians to camouflage anything that’s not transparent. Over-spoken and underutilized, the word has been abused...
Our City has over a 1,000 employees who provide a wide range of services that most of us take for granted. While...
Our City is now in the middle of a very expensive arbitration with the San Francisco 49ers. This million dollar expense was...
Santa Clara, is a great place to live. There is so much to love about our City, from our soccer parks to...
Sizing up our City in succinct syllables of sound is a soliloquy of silliness. While Shakespeare was a master at forming phrases...