Miles H Barber, Publisher

Milestones: What’s your cost? – Opinion

How much are you willing to subsidize your current City Council’s bad decisions? When you…

Milestones: Is it the SF 49ers? – Opinion

With the money being spent in Santa Clara elections on TV ads and glossy brochures…


Milestones: Making sense! – Opinion

Your vote will help determine the direction of Santa Clara for the next four years…

Milestones: Pick a winner! – Opinion

Measure C was designed by Mayor Gillmor and her three “Yes Madam mayor” incumbents. This…

Milestones: Sense vs Non Sense! – Opinion

You have experienced working with individuals who display that God-given gift of common sense. You…

Milestones: Who are they? – Opinion

You might notice the candidates seeking a City Council seat in Santa Clara. Admittedly, some…

Milestones: What’s in it for you?

When you get ready to vote what goes through your mind? If it is a…

Milestones: Waterloo in Santa Clara?

You remember your history? Napoleon had created a virtually unstoppable French army, marching through towns…

Milestones: What if…?

Making decisions about the limited land owned by Santa Clara is becoming more important every…


Milestones: Other People’s Money

Often referred to as OPM, other people’s money is what you use to buy your…