April J. Jones

The Dish: The Party Lives on at Pizza Party

Almost 49 years ago, Capn's Galley Pizza and Pipes opened its doors for the first…

The Dish

As you sit down to your table, you immediately take in the continental décor, the…


The Dish: The “Fresh” Fish Market

If you like seafood, make it a point to visit your nearest Fish Market. Started…

The Dish: Viva La Paloma!

Situated on the corner of El Camino Real and Los Padres Boulevard in Santa Clara…

The Dish: Grab Some Willy’s…Seriously!

When you walk into Armadillo Willy’s Barbeque, you are enveloped in an enticing aroma of…

The Dish: Olé for Mexicali Grill

Planted in a prime location at the middle of Mercado Center, Mexicali Grill is hard…

The Dish: Celebrate the New Year at China Stix

China Stix is a spacious, well-kept restaurant with nicely coordinated traditional Chinese décor. The wait…

The Dish: Have a Seat at Sara’s Kitchen

Sara’s Kitchen is a great Norman Rockwell-type café that takes you by surprise. It is…

It’s Time to Revisit Fiorillo’s

I pass Fiorillo’s Restaurant Tuesdays on the way to my son’s play date. It looks…